University of California--Berkeley

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.


Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences - University of California--Berkeley
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Hardworking, Curious, Understanding, Persistent

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.
The nexus of strings perplexed us. To test our mastery in understanding three-dimensional vectors in AP Physics C, my teacher tasked my lab group with finding the angle between two strings by only using a couple of meter sticks, sticky notes, and a plumb bob. Initially, the lack of a protractor intimidated my group. I could sense our collective panic beginning to build, and I realized that if we allowed our doubt to overwhelm us we would never find the answer. I needed to ease the tension as soon as possible before the group lost motivation. So, I did what I always do when faced with uncertainty: I made a plan to refocus the team. I broke down the group's main objective into smaller, more manageable pieces that we could each perform with confidence, like measuring the x, y, and z directions of the string from the nexus. Once I proposed a method of measuring and calculating vector coordinates and obtained the group's approval, we sprung into action. Our panic transformed into excitement, which allowed us to correctly calculate the final angle with ease. I believe maintaining team morale is one of the most important aspects of teamwork because it is an often overlooked barrier to success. Even the most intelligent students second guess themselves at times, and I hope to be a reliable, supportive leader to my peers when those moments of doubt arise. In college, I know I will tackle increasingly complex problems far beyond finding an angle between a pair of strings. I am excited to meet and learn from other peers who will collaborate with me on issues I may not be able to address on my own, and I plan to return the favor by deconstructing convoluted questions into digestible challenges that will ensure everyone feels confident in the quality of their contributions.


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