Applying to be A Mentor Form

Last modified: October 12, 2023

1. Click on Application

Click on Application

2. Fill Out Mentor Information Fields

Fill Out Mentor Information Fields

3. Fill Out Accepted Universities

Fill Out Accepted Universities

4. Click Attending University

Click Attending University

5. Fill out Attending University

Fill Out Attending University

6. Fill Out Detailed Information

Fill Out Detailed Information

7. Fill Out Dropdown Sections

Fill Out Dropdown Sections

8. Fill Out Classes

Fill Ou Classes

9. Fill Out Awards

Fill Out Awards

10. Type Essay Prompts

Type Essay Prompts

11. Choose University for Essay

Choose University for Essay

12. Type in Essay

Type in essay

13. Fill Out File Dropdowns for Identity Verification

Fill Out File Dropdowns for Identity Verification

14. Click on Zoom Home Page

Click on Zoom Home Page

15. Click on My Account

Click on My Account

16. Click on Meetings

Click on Meetings

17. Click on Personal Room

Click on Personal Room

18. Click on Copy Url

Click on Copy Url

19. Copy personal meeting link

Copy personal meeting link

20. Click on Personal ZOOM Meeting Link (From .edu Email Account)

Click on Personal ZOOM Meeting Link (From .edu Email Account)

21. Paste input

Paste input

22. Click on Submit

Click on Submit