University of Chicago

Little pigs, French hens, a family of bears. Blind mice, musketeers, the Fates. Parts of an atom, laws of thought, a guideline for composition. Omne trium perfectum? Create your own group of threes, a...


Data Science and Business Economics - University of Chicago
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Funny, Kind, Hardworking

Little pigs, French hens, a family of bears. Blind mice, musketeers, the Fates. Parts of an atom, laws of thought, a guideline for composition. Omne trium perfectum? Create your own group of threes, and describe why and how they fit together. —Inspired by Zilin Cui, Class of 2018
Peanut butter, jelly, and bread. Most people consider peanut butter and jelly as a dynamic duo. But let's be honest. No one eats just peanut butter with jelly. Altogether, peanut butter, jelly, and bread form a classic American staple: the peanut butter and jelly sandwich (the "greatest thing since sliced bread!"). Out of all combinations, why peanut butter, jelly, and bread? Let's start with peanut butter. Its smooth texture, caramel color, and attractive consistency invite a hungry person's taste buds. It's perfect as a spread or filling for the best desserts, from Resse's candy to smores. A protein shake evolves from a bland drink to undeniably delicious with peanut butter. The slight crunch balances out the creamy flavor and gives one's palette a well-rounded experience. Sometimes, a subtle hint of honey brings out the sweet and salty taste - culinary Yin and Yang. There are some issues with peanut butter, though. Often, the waves of salty and roasted flavors turn into tsunamis, sticking to the roof of the mouth. It leaves a person feeling parched, desiring a cold glass of milk. In comes jelly to save the day. Jelly offers a nice dose of diversity with its fruit flavors and textures. The possibilities are endless with strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, and apple as potential jelly flavors. Each of them presents a refreshing opportunity for the taste buds to explore. For the PB&J, though, grape jelly stands above the rest. Other jellies, like strawberry and raspberry, give off a pungent, overpowering taste that doesn't bode well for a sandwich. However, grape jelly is gentle in its sweet, fruity flavor. It nourishes the peanut butter with the sweetness it was always lacking. One issue does persist, however, with grape jelly. Depending on the brand, it often tastes chemically and highly artificial. Alone, it looks like an alien substance with its gooey texture and possesses an off-putting taste. Luckily, peanut butter fixes grape jelly's weaknesses. The roasted peanuts complement the grape jelly to form a more natural, pure flavor. The liquid, watery composition of grape jelly counteracts the peanut butter desert. Despite peanut butter and jelly being great friends, no one enjoys just those two's company. Sliced bread serves as the foundational glue, holding peanut butter and jelly together. Bread has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years. Who doesn't like bread (unless you're allergic, of course)?! It transcends across various cultures, keeping bellies full with its delicious crunchiness on the outside and a warm, airy texture on the inside. Sure, bread tastes good by itself, but adding a spread takes it to another level. Smother peanut butter on one slice, add a little bit of jelly on the other, smack them together, and… Boom! A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is born and packs a punch. This trifecta of ingredients makes for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, or dessert. It's convenient to make and the most economically optimal sandwich (only 45 cents each!). Filled with protein, calories, and fiber, the PB&J fuels activity. For me, PB&J is a comfort food - a reassuring food. The trio of peanut butter, grape jelly, and sliced bread improves well-being with every bite, reminding me, "everything will work out just fine." PB&J has been like family, staying by my side through thick and thin. It was always something I could come back to and enjoy on any given day. The way each ingredient comes together harmoniously mirrors my life experiences. Peanut butter cautions of the risk of “spreading oneself too thin.” Jelly, with its gooey, delicate structure, typifies the fragility and uncertainty of life. Finally, bread is a gift to mankind, embodying positive energy and fulfillment. Despite the ebbs and flows, life finds a way to balance itself out, just like peanut butter, jelly, and bread in a sandwich. The humble PB&J reminds you to savor the small moments in life and never take them for granted.


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