Columbia University

Columbia: list some of your favorite books.


History, Psychology - Columbia University
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Junior at Columbia studying history & psychology.

Columbia: list some of your favorite books.
Angela Davis’ Women, Race, & Class - They don’t teach you about Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s racist tendencies in history class. Stephen King’s The Stand - This whole quarantine thing would be made a lot more interesting by a fight against the antichrist. Stephen King’s “Survivor Type” - Doctor gone mad. Literally. Stephen King’s Pet Sematary - You don’t know the definition of suspense until you read Pet Sematary on a PDF. Henry Marsh’s Do No Harm - Wake-up call: being a neurosurgeon isn’t as glamorous as Derek Shepherd makes it look on Grey’s. Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time - A good read during the week or so I was enamored by theoretical physics. Lindsey Fitzharris’ The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister's Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine - Moral of the story: try not to need an amputation in the 1800s.


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