Georgetown University

School of Health: Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying health care at Georgetown University. Please specifically address your intended major (Global Health, Health Care ...


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inquisitive learner and determined student

School of Health: Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying health care at Georgetown University. Please specifically address your intended major (Global Health, Health Care Management & Policy, or Human Science
In an effort to stay hydrated, a 32oz, olive Hydrapeak is my constant companion. It not only serves as a reminder of my New Year’s resolution but is a way to memorialize moments in my life. “Pawsitivity '' embellished in the foreground and behind a black cat paw substantiates the pun that inaugurated my sticker memorial. My teacher fished it out of his desk, marking the end of our meeting regarding my research paper about the evolution of antibiotics and vaccinations during the Cold War. This paper cemented my interest in research as I consulted archives, scientific journals, and had the opportunity to converse with Dr. Tomoko Steen, a specialist and professor in the field of Microbiology and Immunology at Georgetown University. This compelled me to dive deeper into the integrations of biology and chemistry into effective treatments concerning human health. To the right of the latter, a cloud shaped memento, monogrammed with the phrase “Power of Words” memorializes my public speaking journey as a delegate in Model UN. As a delegate, I have investigated human rights violations in the treatment of mentally ill in Indonesia, the lack of medical providers in African nations and limited insurance coverage that perpetuates health care inaccessibility in the United States. My knowledge of such topics has inspired me to take initiative in my local community. At my school’s Invitational Model United Nations Conference I have endeavored to support a local mental health non-profit, The Beacon Tree Foundation, through my position as the Director of Logistics. This has fostered my interest in human science by inspiring me to advocate for healthcare accessibility and inequity - which is a prevalent issue in the field of healthcare and important to me due to my interest in the medical field. A few stickers above the cloud is a blue, white, and red decal with the Star of Life, a symbol of my commitment to quality prehospital care as an EMT. Training and application of my EMT skills allowed me the opportunity to gain exposure to human health care and service. Through this extracurricular, I gained hands-on experience of patient care by volunteering in my community, and I cemented my interest in gaining a deeper understanding of human science. While my water bottle contains dozens of stickers to commemorate various milestones, I intend to fill its empty space with unparalleled opportunities provided to me by the Human Science program at Georgetown. Underneath the cloud sticker, is an appropriate spot for a magnifying glass. Through my interest in research, I am eager to enroll in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program to work with Dr. Merenstein’s pioneering research in antibiotic efficiency, a topic of interest that has been the subject of my own research for two years. While reading about studying abroad through Georgetown, I was intrigued by the idea of transnational research and the opportunity to gain skills in human science through another culture. I hope to study abroad in order to facilitate my global research skills in human science, which I plan to commemorate with a sticker in the shape of a plane on my water bottle.


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