Virginia Tech

Resilience is defined as the ability to adapt and learn from a difficulty. Reflect on a time that you have exhibited resilience. What growth did you see in yourself after this experience?


Computer Science - Georgia Institute of Technology
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lighthearted and ambitious

Resilience is defined as the ability to adapt and learn from a difficulty. Reflect on a time that you have exhibited resilience. What growth did you see in yourself after this experience?
In 9th grade, I enrolled in a graphic design class thinking it would be an easy art credit. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Although I was experienced with computers, I lacked the “artistic touch” needed to develop beautiful graphics. Instead of spending lunch with friends, I took refuge in my school’s computer lab to experiment with Adobe Illustrator in an effort to better my skills. My attempts to pass a class turned into a passion for designing with computers. I combined my love for programming and graphic design to create websites and eventually start my own website design business. This incident challenged my preconceived notions of being solely interested in STEM and fostered an appreciation for art and creativity.


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