Yale University

Tell us about one of your proudest achievements or moments and what it says about you.


Economics - Yale University
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Genuine, kind, resourceful, just

Tell us about one of your proudest achievements or moments and what it says about you.
I tend to overestimate what I am able to do--I love challenges--but AP Physics was something difficult. Days went by in class where the teacher would talk, and it stopped sounding like English. I would come home, start my dynamics homework, and realize I didn’t know what was going on. I watched video after video on rotational kinematics, completed practice lessons online, and realized I was still lost. Then, when COVID-19 prevented me from both going to class and taking the full-length AP exam, I almost gave up. Taking the online test was not much easier. I typed fast and doubted almost everything I wrote, all the while ignoring the loud noises of my household. I submitted my test simply praying for the best--and to my great surprise, I received a three. My three on AP Physics says a lot about me. It displays my dedication to put in every ounce of effort I can afford, no matter the occasion. It is an example of my determination to complete any challenge I start, even if it’s difficult. It shows that I can struggle, and even fall short of my expectations a little, and still be proud of myself.


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