University of California--Los Angeles

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.


Molecular & Cell Biology - University of California--Berkeley
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I'm a bubbly and outgoing individual!

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.
I demonstrated leadership and positive influence by co-founding a non-profit organization called Healthcare For Humanity (501c3 status pending). We focus on solving the opioid addiction crisis, improving access to substance abuse treatment and recovery, addiction research, and counseling young adults especially in underserved populations. The idea was spawned during my freshman year when my 17 year old cousin, Shubh, was suffering from opiod addiction. Our family bonded together to try and help him but the efforts were scattered by the lack of clear path for local treatment. Realizing this challenge likely extended to other individuals, my goal was to find health care counseling for families in similar situations. Immediately, I began reaching out to local therapists and psychologists to serve as counselors and created action plans that paralleled their life schedule and their range of addiction to help them get personalized care. In one month, I assembled a team of 3 doctors, 2 therapists, 1 psychologist, and 15 volunteers. Since launch, Healthcare For Humanity has amassed 45+ individuals and is onboarding new individuals every month. Seeing individuals who once struggled mentally improve brings a sense of sincere gratification, as I was able to lead by identifying a gap and filling it in with a service that helps a major crisis. On our trip to Barichara, Colombia we worked in an orphanage filled with children who had HIV and whose mothers were drug addicts. One mother in particular named Loren was battling her addiction crisis and turned to us as she was concerned for her son's and her health. I started to have open conversations with her and even danced and meditated together. After a week of daily counseling, I realized that Loren was making positive changes to her lifestyle. To this day, we communicate through email and phone calls and she has let go completely from her addiction. Healthcare for Humanity became successful and inspired me to seek out new challenges to develop practical solutions to solve them. Armed with this experience, I will continue seeking opportunities to take on leadership roles that create positive changes for future generations.


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