University of California--Berkeley

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?


Molecular & Cell Biology - University of California--Berkeley
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I'm a bubbly and outgoing individual!

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
When I was 5, I encountered Cheetos Puffs during snack time. Licking the orange dust off of my fingers, my skin and tongue suddenly became extremely itchy as if bitten by 1,000 mosquitoes. At 13, my father's work relocation to Saudi Arabia put a heavy weight on my mental and physical health. The story of my body reflects the obstacles I faced with a crippling food allergy and the loneliness that surfaced from relocation and distance from my father. My allergy dictated my life for the majority of my childhood. I remember a classmate gave me an Altoid, and I immediately ate one and chugged water. It was like inhaling scorching spice. Gasping for air as my throat closed up, all eyes were on me as my face started to get super puffy like Bloat the puffer fish from Finding Dory. My father's absence during high school caused me to be physically weaker, especially when I wasn't able to complete the minimum pushup daily requirement in PE. Looking for a breakthrough, I realized I may not have control over the situation, but I could salvage my agency by finding outlets that would help heal my mind and body. This journey led me to discover my passion for Indian cultural dancing, Kathakali. With every movement to the rhythm of the beat, I bathed in the serenity washing over me. The eternal fight between good and evil is what Kathakali symbolizes. Finding love in dance was my first step to embracing love and care for my body and self. My body now has a confident side which I extend by teaching children at RRB Dance Company 3 times a week. My goal is to share my story to others and understand people's culture, history, health, and make a positive impact in education and health. Working alongside professors and students will allow me to gain more insights into my curiosity of finding solutions to deeper social issues. Although my dad is still away in Saudi Arabia, the healing allowed me to grow physically and mentally.


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