University of California--Berkeley

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place (350 words)?


Environmental Sciences - University of California--Berkeley
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5 1
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Dedicated, detailed, friendly, kind, organized

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place (350 words)?
After stirring for an hour, the Spanish rice still wasn't fully cooked. My arm strength was running out, along with my patience. Suddenly, my teammate Megan called my name and gave me two thumbs up. I smiled back, wiping my forehead and doubling my efforts. Watching the rest of my team scattered around the room working together boosted my spirits, reminding me to focus. There was much to do before the meal would be ready. A few hours and many paper towels later, my teammates and I loaded the steaming rice and vegetables into the trunk of my car. We drove through downtown Seattle, parking in front of a placard labeled Sacred Heart Shelter. We carefully carried the foil pans up the stairs to meet the director of the homeless shelter. When she gratefully accepted our donation, I felt a great sense of pride, knowing I was directly supporting families to get back on their feet. The stove burns and weeks spent asking community members to donate ingredients were all worth it. Many local families depended on meal donations, and I had been determined not to let them down. At Hope for Home, I helped host meal and donation drives, generating over 2,000 donated goods and 600 meals for homeless shelters in King County. I witnessed how simple acts of kindness can elicit the warmest smiles and prayers. A contribution as small as a boiled egg or bottle of water could give someone the strength to persevere. Lifting others in my community brings me immense joy. I am excited to continue my commitment to service and civic engagement in the next chapter of my life.


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