Georgia Institute of Technology

Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech?


Computer Science - Georgia Institute of Technology
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passionate, queer, curious

Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech?
Since I was a few years old, I have been fixated on anything that flies above me. During a family vacation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, I stood on the beach and stared into the distance, where I saw a tube-like object shoot into the sky. Whether it be birds, helicopters, planes, or even the rocket launch I saw, the soaring objects made me stop and just stare in wonder at how they worked and how I could become involved in the process. In hopes of studying aerospace engineering, I chose Georgia Tech because of its core values, unique opportunities for student enrichment, and comprehensive curriculum that will prepare me for a successful future in the industry. Georgia Tech values impact and innovation, two concepts that have influenced my life growing up. I have always strived to find new and efficient ways to solve everyday problems and scientists like Dr. Charles Hill taught me with his NASA SAGE missions how innovations in aerospace can do that by gaining a deep understanding of things we interact with every day like the earth’s atmosphere. The curriculum at Georgia Tech will immerse me in a variety of aerospace topics and skills such as research and problem-solving. With classes like Structural Analysis and Aircraft Flight Dynamics, I can explore the topics behind the tube-like object flying in the sky. From 3D beam theory to stress and energy to mathematical equations for the motion of aircraft, the curriculum will be challenging and encourage further exploration. Georgia Tech will provide a competitive environment with like-minded individuals and programs such as the Aero Maker Space and the Space Systems Laboratory. By working with experts in the field while completing cutting-edge research, I can learn from those who laid the field’s foundations and be inspired to improve previous work.


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