Georgia Institute of Technology

Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech?


Computer Science - Georgia Institute of Technology
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Talkative, optimistic, personable

Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech?
I am planning to study computer science at Georgia Tech. I approach problems with an analytical mindset, and I enjoy solving them. Since problem-solving is one of the most important aspects of computer science, I’ve always found the subject interesting. I got into coding by teaching myself Python and learning Java through my school. My favorite project that I’ve completed was creating a 2D fighting game in the Godot game engine, with my friends as the characters. Another project I worked on was making a card deck sorting algorithm as a part of creating a functional card game in Java. After reflecting on these experiences, I discovered that I enjoy taking on a task and completing it using an analytical perspective to create something that others can use and enjoy. I realized that I want to pursue computer science in the future. At Georgia Tech, not only will I be able to receive a world-class education in computer science, but I will also have many opportunities to apply my knowledge. Atlanta is home to many hackathons where I will be able to collaborate with many bright minds to create a lasting product. One of these is HackGT, a hackathon that takes place right on campus. Additionally, Data Science at Georgia Tech (DSGT) hosts Hacklytics, a data science-themed hackathon. Data science has many interesting interdisciplinary applications. One project that DSGT is currently working on that I found particularly interesting is Stormalytics, a project which uses past meteorological data to predict tornado activity. After seeing cases of data science saving lives, I’m looking forward to learning computer science at Georgia Tech and applying it in ways that improve the world around me. I’ve visited the beautiful campus three times, and I’m excited to be there as a student.


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